About our range of Nestboxes
Our boxes are made to last
They have been designed assuming they will be exposed to the Australian Climate with minimal maintenance.
We achieve this durability by:

- Constructing boxes from 18mm thick plywood (instead of 12mm which is commonly used in the nest box industry).
- Using Marine Grade Plywood (British Standard 1088 (BS 1088)) which has very few imperfections and gaps and is constructed from timbers which have a natural resistance to fungal and insect attack.
- Installing high quality hinges, screws and other fittings.
- Ensuring our boxes fit together tightly with all external joints glued (no gaps or edges where water will collect or penetrate).
- Providing drainage points on the base of the nest box for when nature calls.
Our boxes are environmentally friendly
The plywood we use is sourced from plantations certified to Australian Forestry Standard and all other timber used is sourced from reclaimed Australian grown hardwood.
Designed with the requirements of the occupants in mind
Our nest box designs are based on the industry recognised publication Nest Boxes for Wildlife A practical guide (Franks and Franks).
All nest boxes have an egress ladder cut into the inside face of the box to allow easy entry and exit for the occupants.
Locally manufactured and stock available now
We manufacture all of our boxes at our premises near Thornton, in the NSW Hunter Valley.
We keep stocks of the most common boxes on hand ready for immediate delivery if required.
If a box is not in stock, we can quickly make to order as required. We can also make custom designs to your specifications.
Easy to install
All of our nest boxes are supplied fully assembled and prewired ready for installation.
The prewiring includes a generous length of 3.15mm nylon coated wire together with a tree protection tube.
Double extension loops provide plenty of room for future tree growth whilst maintaining stable box positioning.
Examples of some of our range of nestboxes
1: Squirrel Glider, 2: Owlet Nightjar, 3: Ringtail Possum, 4: Brushtail Possum, 5:Eastern Rosella, 6: Boobook Owl,
7: Kookaburra, 8: Rear entry Micro-Bat, 9: Rear entry Feathertail Glider, 10: Micro bat showing egress ladder. This ladder design is standard in all boxes to allow easy exit for the occupants.
These boxes are generally available from stock.
Additional Features
- All nest boxes have internal corner holes to provide drainage and keep the inhabitants dry.
- Spouts (where installed) also have drainage to minimise water ingress during storms.
- The pre-installed wire hanging system allows for future tree growth and protects tree from wire damage to bark.
- Once the install location is identified, attaching box to tree or pole is quick and easy.
We maintain a large stock inventory for rapid delivery
The following target species are normally held in stock for quick delivery.
Other species, together with custom designs can quickly be manufactured to your specifications if needed.
Please contact us to discuss your custom requirements.